21 Dec 2015

The Big Bang Theory on Christmas tradition (The maternal congruence) ep 11 s3

Fill in the blanks with the words you hear. It is the first scene after the initial credits of THIS EPISODE:

 Scene: The apartment.

Penny: I just love __________________ the Christmas tree. It makes me feel like a little girl again.

Leonard: We didn’t have a tree when I was _____________________.

Penny: Really? Why not?

Leonard: Mmm, in my family, holidays weren’t so much ____________________ as studied for their anthropological and psychological implications on __________________ society.

Penny: Oh, sounds festive. Did you at least give ____________________?

Leonard: Mmm, in a way. We presented papers, and then broke off into focus groups and critiqued each other.

Penny: Sheldon, what about you? Did you ___________________a Christmas tree?

Sheldon: Oh, yes. We had a tree, we had a manger, we had an inflatable _______________________ with plastic reindeer on the front lawn. And to make things even more jolly, there were so many blinking _________________ on the house they induced neighbourhood-wide seizures.

Penny: So I take it you don’t want to ________________ us trim the tree.

Sheldon: I do not. But if you insist on _____________________a spider-infested fire hazard in my home I would request that you add this.

Penny: What is it?

Sheldon: You’re kidding, right? It’s a bust of Sir _____________________.

Penny: Oh, sure, sure, yeah. Very Christmassy.

Sheldon: Wait, excuse me, but it’s much more Christmassy than anything you’ve put on the tree.

Leonard: Here we go.

Sheldon: December 25, 1642, Julian calendar, Sir Isaac Newton is _________________ Jesus, on the other hand, was actually born in the ___________________. His birthday was moved to coincide with a traditional pagan holiday that celebrated the _________________ solstice with lit fires and slaughtered goats. Which, frankly, sounds like more _____________________ than 12 hours of church with my mother followed by a fruitcake.

Leonard: Merry Newton-mas, everyone.

Sheldon: I sense that’s not sincere, although I have no idea why.

Penny: No, it’s fine. Look, Sir Isaac can go right next to this little candy cane.

Sheldon: No. Isaac goes at the ____________________of the tree.

Leonard: No, he ___________________________.

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